co-nnect was a project created alongside three other IMD students in our fourth semester. It adresses the problem of people working from home who struggle with making personal connections with their co-workers since they don't share coffee breaks or know what the others are up to or feel like. With co-nnect every colleague of your choice is represented by a disc, which is connected to their time recording programm so you can directly see what mode they currently are in. You can schedule lunch and coffee breaks with them to have personal conversations. 
my roles and responsibilities
UI/UX, interaction design
storyboard and trailer
visual direction
product design
product trailer
product close-up
product close-up
product logo
product logo
final product
final product
product sketches
first product sketches (here the product concept was also different)
first product sketches (here the product concept was also different)
product sketches after some iterations (still different product concepts)
product sketches after some iterations (still different product concepts)
final storyboard
trailer screens

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